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November 5, 2019
For many water treatment projects, users need to control pump ON-OFF according level sensor's higher or low level. But the sensors and pump are in different places, it is hard to dig hole and wire cable in short time. At this time, using Lensen wireless RTU to build a wireless control system is a reliable and economical way.
Our Features
Switches ON the pump when the water in the overhead tank goes low level.
Switches OFF the pump when the water in the overhead tank reaches high level.
DI, DO, Power and Communication LED Lights.
Wireless connection, no need to switch ON/OFF the pump manually.
No more overflow thus saving water electricity & manpower.
Easy installation. Can do it by yourself.
No communication fee.
Hardware needed:
1. 24V DC Power supply (12V customize)
2. Float switch or level sensor (with high and low level)
3. LS-RDIO0202 (with antenna)
4. Pump
5. Solid state relay
System diagram
How to Connect to tank side
Here my customer use float switch. Some customers may use level sensor. It's similar. Acutally LS-RDIO0202 provide 2 digital inputs.
How to connect on Pump Side
This is a point to point wireless ON-OFF control application example, we also support point to multipoint control. Welcome to discuss with us before ordering.